The Scott family

Nestled at the foot of the Tarbat Peninsula in Easter Ross, Scotland, lies the longstanding Scott family's Fearn Farm.

The farm's extensive fields host an array of crops, from cereals and forage, as well as both commercial and pedigree sheep and cattle. Spanning four generations, the Scotts have carefully and steadily grown the farm, ensuring a tradition of continuous improvement. And with each generation, the farm evolves.

family picture

The Scott family’s legacy has endured for over a century at Fearn Farm. John Scott inherited the farm from his father, who inherited it from the previous generation. John and his wife, Fiona, have dedicated their lives to farming, aspiring to ensure a prosperous future for their children.

"The one thing in life most important to me is your happiness. As a farmer, you have to be prepared for the changes ahead. Should you, one day, decide to take over, know that the oad ahead will be difficult at times. But that's also the beauty of it," says John.

John’s 20-year-old son, James, shares the family's concerns about adapting to changing agricultural landscapes. Studying agriculture at SRUC Edinburgh, James acknowledges the pressing issue of global warming and the need for smarter farming practices to meet the demands of a growing population while preserving essential natural resources.

"The future requires us to work smarter and more efficiently. Quality over quantity has always been our approach."

James Scott

Izzy, 18, shares her family’s passion for sustainable farming and their commitment to reducing the farm's environmental impact. With a focus on employing eco-friendly fertilizers and innovative techniques, the Scott family’s priority is to preserve the land for future generations, while taking pride in providing food for nourishment and wool for warmth.

"Farming isn't just a job—it's a lifestyle. We're dedicated to leaving a legacy that future generations can carry forward."

Izzy Scott

Watch more videos from the Scott family below:

A story of profitability

A story of profitability

A story of efficiency

A story of efficiency

A story of sustainability

A story of sustainability