We believe in purpose-driven growth which is both
sustainable and profitable

Our operational excellence, solid financial results and growth in new business areas enable us to create value for our shareholders, customers and society at large.

Latest quarterly results

hands holding grains

Yara Capital Markets Day 2023

Yara CMD 2023 took place on 26th June 2023 as a digital event accessible via webcast. Presentation material is available for download.

Go to Yara CMD page

Fertilizer Industry Handbook 2022

Yara Fertilizer Industry Handbook

The Yara Fertilizer Industry Handbook is a tool for analysts, investors and others who would like to understand the fertilizer industry and in particular the parts most relevant for Yara.

The Fertilizer Industry Handbook is available as slides only and as a version with reader notes. Click the links below to download:

Yara Fertilizer Industry Handbook 2022 (slides only), pdf 10 MB

Yara Fertilizer Industry Handbook 2022 (with notes), pdf 11.4 MB

Share price

Why invest in Yara?

For more than 100 years Yara has invented, produced and sold products that feed the world and protect the planet, all the time creating value for our shareholders.

Key figures 2022

24.1 USD BN




31.6 MT

Total deliveries

Questions you might ask

The Yara share is traded on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol YAR. Unfortunately, we do not have a direct share purchase plan. To buy shares in our company, we recommend you to contact any brokerage firm.

The par value ("pålydende") of the Yara share is NOK 1.70.

Contact our Investor Relations team

Notice: The Yara Investor Relations team will only respond to questions from investors and equity/credit analysts. Other queries will not be addressed.

Maria Gabrielsen
Maria Gabrielsen
Head of Investor Relations
Picture of Investor Relations Officer Viktoriia Holtsmark-Vinnik
Viktoriia Holtsmark-Vinnik
Investor Relations Officer
picture of Investor Relations Officer Fredrik Hoseth
Fredrik Hoseth
Investor Relations Officer

Our investor relations policy

Investor Relations shall provide the public with accurate, comprehensive and timely information, to form a good basis for making decisions related to valuation and trade of Yara shares.

Read more about IR policy