Yara Climate Choice fertilizers are the same effective, high-quality Yara crop nutrition growers trust, produced with technologies that further reduce their product carbon footprint. They deliver benefits to crops while contributing to effortlessly decarbonizing food and reducing climate impact.
No changes in agricultural practices, nor changes in logistics chain needed.
Reduces the product carbon footprint (PCF) of food by up to 20%
Fast Scaleable
Our CCS-based lower carbon fertilizers are available in large enough volumes to have a fast and significant impact.
Our renewable based lower carbon fertilizers promotes the transition to a fossil independent future with new technology.
Today Yara Climate Choice Fertilizers is used by innovative food companies worldwide to lower the carbon footprint on anything from bread, potatoes, coffee, sugar, and even whiskey and beer.
Our customers
By switching to lower carbon fertilizers, food companies and farmers are able to reduce the carbon footprint of their products. Here are a few examples of how they do it:
The first deal in the world
Lantmännen, Sweden
Agricultural cooperative Lantmännen signed the world's first agreement for renewable based Yara Climate Choice in 2022. They have incorporated these lower carbon fertilizers into the Climate & Nature program, a program which has reduced the climate footprint from wheat cultivation by up to 30 percent since 2015. Now, with Yara Climate Choice Fertilizers, it can be reduced even further by 20 percentage.
One thousand PepsiCo farms in Europe
PepsiCo, Europe
Yara will deliver up to 165,000 tons of renewable based and CCS-based lower carbon fertilizers yearly to PepsiCo, covering around 25% of their crop fertilizer needs in Europe by 2030. Yara Climate Choice fertilizers will be used on approximately 1,000 farms, covering a total of around 128,000 hectares across the European Union and the UK. First for potatoes, then later for other crops such as oats and corn.
Lower Carbon chips in Agentina
El Parque Papas, Argentina
Former race car champion Walter Hernández, leads the biggest single potato farm in Argentina. He supplies 14,000 metric tons of potatoes to the potato industry, which is used to make the most popular chips in Argentina. Thanks to Yara Climate Choice, the carbon footprint of these chips is reduced by 5-10%.
Decarbonizing beer and whiskey in the UK
Simpsons Malt, United Kingdom
Simpsons Malt in the UK is one of the largest independent, family-owned malting companies in the world, aiming to achieve carbon neutral malting barley and distilling wheat production by 2030. Since 2024 they have used renewable based Yara Climate Choice fertilizers to lower the carbon footprint on their crops. Their malt is used by leading global beer and whisky brands.
Brazil's biggest coffee producer
Cooxupé, Brazil
Cooxupé, a world leading coffee cooperative, exports coffee to 50 different countries. In 2024 they started using Yara Climate Choice fertilizers with producers representing over 20,000 cooperative families. This marked an important milestone for the decarbonization of coffee farming in South America, with an expected impact of up to 40% reduction in the carbon footprint of coffee beans.
Lower carbon sandwich bread
Bindewald & Gutting Milling Group, Germany
German bakery Harry-Brot has produced "Sammy's Super Sandwich" from wheat produced with Yara Climate Choice Fertilizers, by Bindewald & Gutting Mühlengruppe. The renewable based lower carbon fertilizers were applied to 1,212 hectares and resulted in wheat with 24% lower carbon footprint, and ultimately a bread with a CO2 reduction of 8%.